Link to Hope
Filled shoeboxes need to be with your local area collector by 5 November. Link to Hope send shoe boxes filled with a mixture of essential and gift items. There are two types of shoe box you can send – either one for a family or one for an elderly couple. I like the fact that a whole family benefits from receiving a shoe box though that does create a challenge trying to add gift items that might suit the parents as well as potentially several children of varying ages.
I’m doing 22 shoe boxes this year, 12 for families and 10 for elderly couples. I will gradually add photo’s and contents lists – though I usually add in a few extra items if there is space when I actually wrap them. If you want to take part but don’t have time to fill one yourself this year, you can go online and make a donation for Link to Hope to complete one for you, alternatively you can make a smaller donation or buy something off their Amazon Wish List.

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I’m also an area collector so I’ve already received a lot of shoeboxes, and started removing the gift aid forms and checking the contents lists, and wrapping any that aren’t wrapped 😊.
The Farm Animal Sanctuary
The Farm Animal Sanctuary – They are holding a Festive Fair at the Farm Animal Sanctuary, Manor Orchard Farm, Little Middleton, Near Evesham, WR11 8LN, on 11 December 2021. There will be food and music as well as several stores selling gift items and a chance to see some of the rescued farm animals. (And see Father Christmas.) I’m going to have a fund raising stall there so need to make some items to sell, but that may have to wait until I’ve finished my shoe boxes and processed those dropped of with me.
Link to Hope Update
131 Shoeboxes have been collected from me and are on their way with others from around the country to Ukraine, Romania, Moldova and Bulgaria via Worthing (Link to Hope’s base.) Many thanks to the groups and individuals who took the time to fill a shoe box for a family or elderly couple this year, and those who knitted or crocheted knee blankets. They will be greatly appreciated by the recipients. Link to Hope will post pictures of them being received in the different countries in late December and the new year on their website and Facebook page.

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