The Link to Hope suggestion for February is Heat and Light – items to bring hope and light to peoples lives. Their suggestions are – candles and holders, hot water bottles, torches, socks and tights. As the lock down has continued I haven’t been out shopping much, as we have managed to get some online supermarket food deliveries. However, Dunelm still have some good bargains if you have a local store and can do click and collect. To fit in with this months theme they do have some scented candles in glass containers for 50p each. My local store doesn’t have any in stock but hopefully you’ll be more successful. They also have some packs of scented tealights – 30 tealights for £1.00. Their other bargains suitable for a shoebox are their face cloths. Dunelm also have some mini faux fur hot water bottles reduced to £2.50.
Asda seem to be quite good for children’s socks with several different packs of ankle or trainer socks 10 pairs for £3.00. Unfortunately there don’t seem be any bargains for adult socks.
Not in this months theme but Dunelm still have some lovely soft and fluffy face cloths for 25p each in white, grey or blush, or they have a pack of 4 anti-bacterial face cloths (which I purchased last month) and have now been further reduced to 75p in white, grey or ochre. The anti-bacterial ones aren’t as soft but are reasonable quality and great value if you are doing several shoe boxes.
I haven’t found any particularly cheap deals on torches unfortunately. Amazon have some hand crank torches which are £2.75 plus 80p postage, or a pack of 4 for £7.20 with free postage. As I’ve mentioned before just beware of the details, some are advertised as 3 LED with a picture of 3 torches, which might make you think you are purchasing 3 torches, but you only get one torch – the 3 LED refers to the number of bulbs in the torch and the price isn’t always a clue. I’ve seen identical torches as mentioned above sold for £10.00 or more for one torch, so just make sure you read the details.