The Farm Animal Sanctuary Festive Fair
The Farm Animal Sanctuary Festive Fair was well attended despite the temperature remaining below freezing all day. The good news was that it meant the mud was frozen so it was a lot easier carrying products and tables into the barn😊. Though I did get very cold. The team from Golden Glaze Donuts seemed to do a roaring trade with their hot chocolate and flavoured coffees along with their delicious donuts. I didn’t get chance to try out Huns Vegan this year.
Thank you to everyone who purchased something from my stall – all profits go to the Farm Animal Sanctuary.

The event raised just over £2,000 for the Sanctuary and will be used to help get the sanctuary through the winter months.
Link to Hope
The calendar theme is to think and pray – For all the people that receive your shoebox, those who distribute them and for the year round work of Link to Hope. Given the ongoing situation in Ukraine, and the impact on some neighbouring countries – it’s more important than ever to remember those involved and take some comfort that by filling a shoebox for a stranger, you’ve shown them love and support. When I’m packing my shoe boxes I say a silent prayer that the box contains items that the recipient needs and will find useful as well as items that will bring them joy.
The shoeboxes have started to arrive in their destination countries. There are some pictures on the Link to Hope Facebook page of the shoeboxes being loaded onto the lorries over here and of some arriving and being handed out, (you don’t need to be a member of Facebook to view them). The official photos are due to be published on their website in mid January. The photos below are of the shoeboxes and knitted and crotched blankets being collected from my home and loaded into a van on their way to Link to Hope in Worthing in mid November – where they’ve now been loaded on lorries to go to the recipient countries.

I will add some details of the shoe boxes I filled over the next couple of months.
This month’s bargains.
Dunelm have started their online sale for click and collect. In some places they have candle jars for 50p – unfortunately not at my local store. They have packs of 3 pairs of scissors for £1.25 – roughly 42p per pair. Unfortunately, there are no bargains for their face cloths this year. I suspect there will be some bargains in the January sales on things like wrapping paper