Welcome back. As I concentrated on the £10.00 challenge last month, I didn’t reflect on the Link to Hope calendar. The suggested focus for March was craft gifts, such as handmade headbands, pencil cases, lavender bags, craft kits and sewing kits. I know it will be more difficult to get supplies during lockdown, but if you do have any sewing materials or a member of your household does it’s quite easy to make a sewing kit.
You need a small piece of card or thick paper. If you have a small resealable bag use that as the basis for your sewing kit. (The sort spare buttons sometimes come in.) Cut your cardboard to fit in the bag – possibly slightly longer so that you can fold the end up. If you are using a longer piece of cardboard ensure the end is folded up to protect the points of the needles. Cut small parallel notches into either side of the cardboard, then wind some thread around the cardboard where the notches are. If you have it, black, white and another colour are useful. Thread 2 or 3 needles through the cotton. Next see if you have any spare buttons lying around and a few safety pins and you have a sewing kit to add to your box.
Link to hope now have a craft page https://linktohope.co.uk/shoebox-appeal-2020/shoebox-crafting/ which includes a relatively simple knitted headband pattern. Pinterest is also good for ideas for items to make.
The focus for April is Accessories – hair accessories, jewellery, small bags and purses, umbrella, sunglasses.
Bargain buys, Poundland, and Home Bargains all have small hair bands – (the type used for tying hair back) which are reasonably good value, and they are open during lockdown – if you were going in there to buy other essentials!! Likewise, Poundland have folding umbrellas which will easily fit into a shoebox. It might also be worth checking with family and friends if they have any costume jewellery they no longer want, and ask them to keep hold of it for you until lockdown has eased.
It’s also relatively easy to make hair scrunchies – there are lot of guides on Pinterest.
Home Bargains have had some large hair barrettes/slides 2 for 49p.
Happy shoe box filling